Segmenting different environments in Azure Application Insights using Roles
When monitoring applications in Azure, one of the best practices is to segment environments (such as development, testing, staging, and production) within Azure Application Insights. A powerful way to achieve this segmentation is by using Cloud Role Name. This allows organizations to effectively analyze and troubleshoot their applications while maintaining clear visibility into different environments.
Solving the warning "You are attempting to remove the meta-package 'proxmox-ve'"
During an update from Proxmox 7 to 8 I had some problems during the update of Ceph. When running apt full-upgrade it suggested removing proxmox-ve which in turn would pretty much remove the function of the virtualised environment.
Deploy Portainer and Portainer Agent using Docker Compose
Setting up Portainer and Portainer Agent with Docker Compose simplifies container management, enabling efficient multi-host monitoring, centralized control, and enhanced team collaboration through a user-friendly web interface for Docker and Kubernetes environments.
Optimizely CMS in a terminal (console app)
If you ever wanted an efficient and easy way to use the APIs and resources of an Optimizely CMS-project this is for you. No more database hacks to fetch or manipulate data.
Running MSSQL in Portainer stack using Docker Compose
Running Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQL) in Docker offers several benefits, particularly in terms of deployment flexibility, environment consistency, scalability, and development efficiency. Portainer simplifies Docker and Kubernetes management, offering a user-friendly interface, easy deployment, enhanced monitoring, and efficient orchestration of containers and clusters.
Implementing EmbeddedLocalization in Optimizely CMS 12
My previous post on translation (Translating Optimizely CMS 12 UI components) gives an overview of how to implement the FileXmlLocalizationProvider, how a folder structure can be implemented and some advice how to find the XML-elements to translate in the CMS UI. This post will cover how to implement the alternative of FileXmlLocalizationProvider which is the EmbeddedXmlLocalizationProviderInitializer or commonly implemented using the AddEmbeddedLocalization extension method.
Translating Optimizely CMS 12 UI components
Optimizely CMS 12 have been out for a while now, but still some elements haven't been properly translated resulting in a GUI defaulting to english. While that may be fine with many of us I still do have some customers who refuse to see the benefits of learning a bit of english. Anyways, it is good practice to implement translations of elements in all web sites which would include the Optimizely CMS GUI.
Setting up the ImageEditor in Optimizely CMS 12
Setting up certain configurations on Opimizely CMS 12 differs quite a bit from prior versions of (Episerver CMS 11 and older). Here's a small guide on how to read and use the documentation from Optimizely regarding the ImageEditor.
Resolving Optimizely CMS error "InvalidOperationException: The view 'Bootstrapper' was not found."
Bootstrapper errors are not very common during development in Optimizely CMS but they do occur on special occasions.
Proxmox: "Ext is not defined" when running the GUI behind NGINX
Ever tried to run proxmox behind NGINX Reverse Proxy to get nice urls with HTTPS? Ever since some version of 7.x was released errors like "ext-all.js?ver=7.0.0 net::ERR_CONTENT_LENGTH_MISMATCH 200 (OK)" and "Ext is not defined" have appeared resulting in the gui unable to load using reverse proxy.